7 Places to Visit in Indonesia that Must Be Visited - To'ong Travel

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Wednesday, November 29, 2017

7 Places to Visit in Indonesia that Must Be Visited

Would you prefer a holiday abroad or a tour of your own country? Indonesia is like a carpet tapestry with extraordinary natural beauty. Starting from the natural wealth under the sea to the cluster of mountains, Indonesia is the champion. You like the beach? Indonesia has a row of beaches that will not run out you explore. You like mountains? Indonesia has a list of mountains waiting for you to climb.

Not only its abundant natural wealth, the culture in Indonesia is also very diverse. Each region has a distinctive culture that makes this country more colorful. Here's a summary of 5 tourist attractions in Indonesia that you must visit:

 1  Bali

Hasil gambar untuk bali

Who does not know Bali? It is difficult to choose what the most interesting tourist attractions in Bali, because almost all over Bali is a great tourist spot. Bali has a lot of beautiful natural beauty ranging from the rows of beaches, the atmosphere of the mountains to mock sacred. Of the many interesting sights, the most popular in the ears of tourists are of course Kuta Beach, Legian Beach, Seminyak Beach, Tanah Lot Temple and rural atmosphere of Ubud.

Bali is proof that to be able to dance international attention, culture and values ​​of uniqueness need not be sacrificed. By maintaining its culture, Bali invites many foreign tourists to come. Here, you will find a lot of foreign tourists who are enjoying Balinese art and cultural performances.

 2  Raja Ampat

Raja Ampat

Raja Ampat becomes a new belle in the world of tourism Indonesia. The charm of tourist attractions in Indonesia is starting to be well known by both domestic and foreign tourists. Raja Ampat itself is a collection of islands at the tip of Papua. There are four main islands here, namely Waigeo, Misool, Salawati and Batanta.

The undersea riches of Raja Ampat undoubtedly have no doubt. Waters in this tourist spot is known as one of the best diving and snorkeling locations in the world. Even The Nature Conservancy mentions that about 75% of the world's marine biota can be found in the waters of Raja Ampat. To prove it, please prepare your diving skills and start exploring the underwater world. October and November are called the best times to dive here because the weather and water conditions are ideal.

In addition to diving, you can also explore the beauty of the mainland islands in Raja Ampat this. Locals will be happy to offer services as a guide. During trekking, you can also stop by people's homes and interact directly or buy handicrafts such as Asmat statues and traditional musical instruments as souvenirs.

 3  Taman Laut Bunaken

Taman Laut Bunaken

Bunaken Marine Park became one of the tourist attractions in Indonesia which again established UNESCO as a world heritage site, precisely in 2005. This is due to the richness and diversity of marine biota incredible ranging from coral reefs, seaweed to existing fish species.

This tourist place has more than 30 diving points that became a favorite of many domestic and foreign divers. In addition to diving and direct contact with the fish here, you can also dive with the submarine that has been provided. This ship has a transparent glass wall to facilitate you see underwater scenery Bunaken Marine Park without getting exposed to water and wet. Hmm, interesting!

 4  Candi Boro Budur

Candi Borobudur

Borobudur Temple is the largest Buddhist temple complex in the world. This tourist place in Indonesia is set UNESCO as one of the world heritage sites in 1991. Borobudur temple was buried volcanic ash from the eruption of Mount Merapi, until later discovered by Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles in 1814.

Tourist attractions in Indonesia is estimated to be built in 824. The building is composed of volcanic blocks and buildings 504 Buddha statues, 72 stupas and a main stupa right at the top of the temple. Myth, if you insert into the stupa hole and managed to touch the statue in it, then your wish will come true. Here, you can also buy various souvenirs ranging from t-shirts, key chains, fans to miniature Borobudur Temple.

 5  Pulau Komodo

Hasil gambar untuk pulau komodo

Komodo Island into the Komodo National Park along with other islands around the Nusa Tenggara Islands. In 1986, UNESCO set tourist attractions in Indonesia as one of the world heritage sites. This island is regarded as the habitat of komodo animals that must be protected. One of the highest achievements is successfully entered into the ranks of seven natural wonders in the world or better known as the New Seven Wonders of Nature in 2011.

This tourist attraction offers great underwater beauty and underwater world. There are many things you can do here, from trekking, diving to snorkeling.

For trekking, you can explore the island with a group and a ranger or survivors. On the way, you can find dragons that are hunting prey or rest. The Ranger will burn you with a cane with a forked end. This stick is believed to weaken the current dragons began to attack. By pressing the neck of Komodo dragons using the end of a branching stick, these animals will instantly tame. It is important for you to keep every movement while walking because this animal is very sensitive to sudden movement.

Diving and snorkeling in the city of Komodo Island is no less exciting. This tourist spot is also known for its underwater beauty and become one of the locations. What is interesting again is the existence of Pink Beach or Pink Beach. This beach is one of the seven beaches in the world that has reddish sand. This color comes from fragments of broken coral and mixed with sand beach. When exposed to the waves, red color more clearly visible because wet.

 6  Trio Gili

Gili Lombok

Trio Gili are three beautiful islands in Lombok. The three islands include Gili Trawangan, Gili Meno and Gili Air. All three are not only known by domestic tourists, but also has managed many foreign tourists to come.

Of the three islands, arguably Gili Trawangan the most popular. In addition to its larger size than the other two islands, here also has stood many entertainment venues such as bars and cafes. There are many activities you can do in this sights ranging from sunbathing, diving to snorkeling. The more fun, you can also ride a bike or ride cidomo, carriage of a kind of delman, to get around the island.

Although Gili Trawangan more and more visited, but Gili Meno and Gili Air no less interesting. The island also has beautiful beaches and underwater nature that is waiting for you to explore. The atmosphere of both relatively quiet and quiet because it is suitable for those of you who want to get out of the crowd.

 7  Puncak JayaWijaya

Puncak Jayawijaya

Peak Jayawijaya or commonly called the Peak Carstensz is the only mountain peak in Indonesia that has eternal snow. The peak is soaring over 5,000 meters above sea level. Even more diverse is Mount Jayawijaya into the list of Seven Summits or seven mountains with the highest peak in the world.

Jayawijaya Peak was first conquered by a Dutch explorer named Hendrik Albert Lorentz in 1909. Lorentz managed to collect together this snow with six Kenyah Dayak tribe recruited in Kalimantan. After this successful climb, many climbers followed Lorentz's trail to conquer Puncak Jayawijaya. Hmm, are you the next climber who managed to conquer Carstensz Peak?

source anekatempatwisata.com

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